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Initiere in Misterele Invataturilor lui Zamolxe. Aplicatii practice ale Constiintei Feminine si ale Constiintei Masculine. Interactiune cu fiinte din Alte Taramuri de Visare. Atingerea si depasirea limitelor perceptiei umane. Initierea in Arta de a Stapani Propriile Ganduri. Ce putem noi face? Sacred Spirit Tours .
Practical applications of Feminine Consciousness and Masculine Consciousness. Initiation into The Art of Dreaming. Interaction with Beings from Other Dream Spaces. Reaching and exceeding the limits of the human perception. Passing into the Other Reality. What can you learn? What can we do? Sacred Spirit.
Pentru mai multe detalii CLICK AICI. Despre Stravechea Scoala de Intelepciune. Stravechea Scoala a Maestrilor Inaltati din Tibet este scoala izvorata dintr-o idee, INTELEPCIUNEA. Care a fost focalizata si a devenit realitate. In aceasta scoala este vorba despre ceea ce este cunoscut deja. Este vorba de vechile fundamente despre Dumnezeu. Despre omenire si despre minunatia acestei lumi. Cunoastere dincolo de limitele normale! .
If you have any questions and would like to contact us. What can you learn? Initiation into the Art of Controlling your Own Thoughts. Healing and Self Healing with the Consciousness, Telepathy Issuing and Receiving thoughts. Consciously bringing into manifestation your personal reality, and much more. What do we know about God-Man? The truth is simple. The Ancient School of Wisdom. The Recharge of the Soul. The Ancient School of Wisdom. The Ancient School of Wisdom.
Kdo je ochotný využít svou ENERGII SRDCE. A tím na sobě pracovat. Kdo chce opravdu žít a vnímat především kvalitu svého života. Půjdu kamkoliv, pokud je to kupředu. Při cestách za tajemnem a krásou. Jste spokojeni se svým životem? Jste zdraví, šťastní, úspěšní? Využijte energii svého srdce,. O které jste zřejmě ani netušili! Zlepšete svůj osobní i profesní život! 420 608 424 425.
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